Thursday, January 1, 2015

Happy New Year!

I think I finally figured out some new year resolutions for 2015. Is it normal to have more than one? It is. I think it totally is. Right?

It is. I'm convinced. Anyway. Here's my list.

I think it's quite ambitious, especially considering I can't even run right now. Like doctor's orders, not allowed to run. It sucks but that's why I'm doing physical therapy. And it's not like all of those things are going to be done in January. Clearly. I mean a triathlon in January? In the Northeast? Can you imagine? I'd be a popsicle before my whole leg was in the water.

No, I fully anticipate taking the majority of the year to do these. I'm sure I'll go crazy with the recipes early on in the year, but I did fifty-two so it could be a weekly thing. I'm super excited for them already, I think I'll start planning them soon. 

What's your resolution for this new year? Any crazy ones?

[My resolution list was made using the following fonts and textures: Homestead Display. Sketch Serif. Autumn. Tree Bark Textures.]

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