Tuesday, March 25, 2014

NYC Quotes

Naturally, whenever Ryan and I go somewhere, there's always something to laugh at. Generally for hours on end. Here's a few things that made us giggle:

When we went to the Brooklyn Brewery, the girl giving us the tour gave some history on the current location. They have been in their current location since 1996. She gave this quote as how they could afford it...

That first day in the City was pretty nice out, I think it even hit 60°. Naturally, Ryan was in shorts. A couple walked by us and said, "Sun's out, guns out." I had never heard that phrase in my life but apparently Ryan had. When a student at Albany rhetorically asked, "Sun's out, guns out, right?!" He was also wearing shorts that day. Apparently, it's a phrase that's popular with muscle heads as the weather gets nice they wear cutoff sleeve shirts to show off their guns...

The night out to dinner with Ryan's friend Josh, they started talking math and I sort of zoned out. Until they mentioned this risky topology. Or rather, it was, the Zariski Topology. Not into math? I wouldn't even attempt to start reading that Wikipedia article. I kept trying to clarify what they were saying but it's one of those things where you could ask 1,000 times and still think it's pronounced "The Risky" and not "Zariski."

Background: MathFormulas

Our hotel had they most awesome water dispenser. They provided empty plastic water bottles (like the kind you would get from Poland Spring) and caps that screwed on after you filled it. Effectively making it sealed. You could totally steal some and sneak vodka or other liquids in these. Anyway, the stations highlighted the "chilled, purified water." I read it as...

Yep, they bottled it up and brought Chilean water here so I could put it in smaller bottles. I know, I know, I'm a genius.

How's your week going? Hear anything funny lately?

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