Sunday, March 9, 2014

Books in Review

I want to start by saying I love to read. I've probably read hundreds if not thousands of books. I once heard someone say, "I'd rather read a book than do [XYZ]. And I've read like three books in my life." That made me incredibly sad. To me, books can transport you and make you feel emotions that you're not even experiencing. This pretty much sums up it up:

For the longest time when e-readers came out, I swore up and down that there was nothing like a book. I wouldn't want to switch. Now, it's all I use. For one, the books are cheaper. And two? Well, it's instant gratification when I log into Amazon and one-click order! Terrible for my bank account. Then it's in my Kindle account. What's not to love? Seriously. Don't get me wrong, I still have over a hundred books on my book shelves (I've given several hundred away for others to enjoy), but nothing makes me happier than a new book that I devour. Typically within a day or two. To cut down on the time between buying/ordering a book and actually getting to read it just makes me ecstatic.

So I'm going to share you my opinions on books every now and again. I hope it inspires you to pick up a book, even if it's not one I write about. 

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