Friday, March 14, 2014

Happy Pi Day!

Yep, today's Pi Day. Or if you're uncultured swine "Geek Day." Or if you're oblivious it's Friday.

As today marks the beginning of the hubbs's spring break, and I took Monday off, we're headed down to New York City where a free hotel room awaits us. Free hotel room you ask? Yes, free. But more on that later.

Let's focus on the "head down" portion of that last sentence. Now, normally, we take the train. But it's a little expensive, around $72 a person roundtrip. So, at the suggestion of Ryan's friend, we're taking the bus. The GoTo bus direct from Albany to NYC, which is $25 per person roundtrip. I want to start by saying this was a poor, poor choice. This post is coming from the road and I feel like I'm in the fiery depths of hell right about now. Surrounded by fifty or so sweaty, smelly people, the driver feels the need to crank the heat so that it's about 98° in here. And yes, smelly. Like BO, baby powder, and marijuana. It's a heady combination. In the future, besides our already paid for return trip, I believe we'll be skipping this option and either paying for the train or a different bus company.

So back to the free part? Well, as a side note, my mom works for a telephone company in Albany. But, because of the superstorm Sandy, NYC has had a backlog of technician work. So the local teams either sign up to go down at a time convenient to them and work or are forced to go sometime during the year. Yes, Sandy was a while ago but the aftereffects are so large. So right now my mom's completing her first week down there with other techs who volunteered to go this early. But some techs have vacation planned, or go home for the weekend. Enter the free hotel rooms. One of the techs my mom knows is going to Colorado for a week and offered us her room so we didnt have to stay with my mom. Which we would have been more than happy to do. Because, again, hello, free room.

So, we're going to be in the city until Monday bumming in a free hotel room, saving tons of money on this shitty bus, with discounted tickets to both The Met and the Wax Museum, hitting up Brooklyn Brewery. And hopefully, maybe, just maybe eating some awesome pizza and wading in sea of green.

What are your plans for this weekend? Any St. Patty's Day parties?

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