Monday, September 22, 2014

Autumn Bucket List: Update!

It's that time of year when I'm completely obsessed with apples. But to be honest, I'm always obsessed. That's why I have 30 pounds of apples in my freezer right now. Yep. In case you've been following, the apples won the freezer battle and will reside there for the next however long. The venison will be taking up space elsewhere. It may involve buying another new freezer. 

I've crossed four things off my list and they all involve apples. I'm betting the next one to get checked off involves apples too. Although the pumpkin cookies might get made first. And that's just because I have an open can of pumpkin in my fridge right now. Here's how it's looking so far:

I just realized that it's technically autumn now (eeee!). While yesterday was unseasonably warm, the weather has been cooling off and fall has settled nicely in the Capital District. I'm bursting with excitement to see what the next few weeks has in store. For once in a really long time, I'm excited about my birthday and can't wait for it to come. For now, I'll leave you with the heavenly donuts from Kaneb's.

What's going on with you? What are you excited about?

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