Saturday, October 5, 2013

My Kind of Luck

Ryan and I are up North this weekend. Up North, being Norfolk, New York, where he's from. Originally our nephew's birthday party was going to be this weekend and Ryan and his dad planned to play golf. Well, the birthday party got moved but it's just about the end of golfing season here. So we made the drive up last night so Ryan and Craig could play one final round. 

Now being in an apartment, we don't have the luxury of a washer and dryer. Rather than spend money at the laundromat, we either bring our laundry to my parents' house (when we're home) or up to Ryan's parents' house. 

Ryan and Craig are out golfing, Tammy's (Ryan's mom) at her flower shop, and I'm at the house with the dog doing laundry. In between loads I decided that the light and leaves would be great to snag a couple of pictures. 

I hook the dog on the lead out back.

I step outside.

I shut the door.

The back door is locked.

The front door is locked.

I have my phone, my camera, and the dog for company. Not to worry, I have the shop number. I give Tammy a call and she tells me where the hide a key is. 

I grab it.

I walk toward the back door.

I drop the key.


...I then spend the next ten minutes trying not to have a meltdown, talking to the dog, laughing at myself, hunting around in the grass.

I eventually found it and unlocked the back door. But never to forget my mission, I did take some pictures around their house. For your viewing pleasure:

these apples are absolutely terrible

how awesome is this barn? i love it!

sherman - my buddy who i got locked out with

How's fall shaping up around your town? Do you have some amazing colors coming out?

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