Wednesday, October 23, 2013

AOP, C&B, PI, PPE and Acronyms Galore

Sometimes, work just gets me down. It could be the fact that I get up and the sun hasn't yet. Waking up to sunless mornings is such a drag. I mean, if I'm up, the sun should be up. Am I right?! 

This week of work has been hectic. I work in the finance department at a chemical plant. Not only is it year end, planning time, it's apparently also time to take inventory. You can imagine my delight at the prospect of staying late on Friday and possibly going in on Saturday to finish up. 

For the past month, I've been working with leaders across my division to confirm headcount in their sectors - please pardon the business jargon. Oh lord, that rhymed. Anyway, for weeks I've been hounding people to get me their people and final numbers. In turn I give them an estimate of employee costs for next year's plan. Of course, I get a file yesterday from the second to last group. I had to wait until all groups were done in order to finish the last and final group. Now, on top of that I had to figure out what heads are being added, reach out to human resource people, and beg/plead for estimates on these new heads. That email went out today asking for it tomorrow...I will remain hopeful that they all come in. After I get all the information back, I have to put it into my massive spreadsheet and spit it back to the leaders in the form of a number. They'll then use it as part of their operating budget that's due Monday. Now, I mentioned inventory right? That's Friday. Which, if you're doing the math, leaves me just tomorrow to receive, analyze, and provide data back to the leaders. Good thing I have the formulas all set. I'm hoping that with the final touches and proper numbers dropped in, I'll be pivot tabling like a maniac and spitting out 2014 costs like a professional watermelon seed spitter. More than likely, it'll be another late night.

Friday morning, I'll be there bright and early at 7:45 to start counting until the cows come home. Except, it'll be later than that. Which means I miss Troy Night Out. HUGE BUMMER. BOO. BOOOOO. I literally passed on going up North this weekend (for my sister-in-law's 30th birthday), passed on going to New York City this weekend (with free hotel room), so that I could go to Troy Night Out. Then I'm told that I should plan to stay on campus until midnight...getting out earlier is just a happy coincidence. Shoot me now, please. To top it off, because I work in a chemical plant, we have to take necessary precautions to protect ourselves. This means safety glasses, work boots, hardhat, and lab coat. Not that I'm complaining - whatever keeps me safe, I'm just going to be drop dead sexy. Especially with my safety glasses over my glasses. Oh and if anyone asks, my name is "Andrea" for the day, as that's what my new lab coat says. 

Is it bad to say that I live for the weekends? Although, maybe not this one if I have to report in Saturday morning.

What are some of the downsides to your job? Do you have any? (If not, please don't make me jealous and say so.) What's the BEST part of your job?

In case you're wondering what the acronyms I listed are:
AOP - Annual Operating Plan
C&B - Compensation and Benefits
PI - Physical Inventory
PPE - Personal Protective Equipment

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