Thursday, August 15, 2013

Tunetastic Thursday - Macklemore & Ryan Lewis "Same Love" featuring Mary Lambert

I grew up in a conservative household. I attended church and went to Sunday school. I was raised to be accepting and kind to others. But I was never really taught that homosexuality was okay. I didn't have a lot of exposure to  it and if it was ever brought up I was quickly reminded that "it's their choice, just don't tell me about it." Maybe because I was somewhat sheltered or maybe because I didn't want to know. I don't really remember when Ellen came out, I just knew that we stopped getting Time because that shouldn't have been news let alone the cover. And that was huge news and a big step for the gay community.

But I was raised one way and for the longest time I couldn't accept why they would need something like a marriage certificate. To me, it was a heterosexual thing. Marriage was defined as between a man and a woman. I felt that if other could get married to it would lessen the commitment and value of the word marriage. Call it whatever you want, just don't call it a marriage. I even thought that way through most of college when I was exposed to it and had friends who were gay.

Somewhere along the way, I realized that my way of thinking is no different than judging or condemning someone because of their skin. This isn't something they can change; it's not a switch you can flip every day. This is who they are. Who am I to tell them they can't have the same rights that I'm afforded because I love my husband. I'm no one and I can't.

This past decade has seen so much change it's unbelievable. While society has taken some rather precarious turns, some of the best change has been within the rights given to all of mankind. I believe a lot of it has been driven by courageous people who have dared to stand up for themselves and others. You don't have to be like a person to support them or their cause. I applaud these folks and I'm so glad they're supporting causes close to them.

A few songs have been produced over the years that teach messages of love and acceptance. The most recent one is "Same Love" by Macklemore & Ryan Lewis featuring Mary Lambert. I love the lyrics so much that I always get bummed when I inevitably pick up the song halfway through on the radio. I think of all the struggles I never had to go through because I liked men. I've had it really good. There are so many still struggling because they're not yet accepted and live in countries where who they love is punishable by death. But it gets better. There are so many people to support you no matter the differences.

Whenever I get down, I try to remember the wise words of Dr. Seuss: “Today you are you, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is youer than you.” I hope you remember the words too.

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