Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Tuesday Thriftovers - Bathroom Storage Crates

I have just about five dozen assorted soaps, lotions, and loofahs that I've collected through many a holiday, birthday, and shopping trip. We have zero cabinet storage for this stuff in the bathroom. Under the sink is dedicated to q-tips, cleaning products, the hair dryer, and the clipper set.  The drawers have my rarely used makeup, hair brushes, hair ties, and other random hair items. The stuff shoved in behind our mirror includes deodorant, tooth paste, bandaids, various medicines, and hand sanitizers. Our solution for this girly stuff (and towels) was a relatively cheap 6-tier shelf from Bed, Bath, and Beyond with baskets for toiletries and the bottom two shelves for our towels. But alas, we grew tired of the generic looking shelf.

When we went to Maine for our anniversary, back in July, we ventured into this discount furniture store right across the street from our hotel. It had a lot of unfinished furniture, knick knacks, but finished pieces too. My eyes caught these awesome wooden crates and from my perusing of pinterest I had MANY ideas. One of which was new bathroom storage. I convinced Ryan that we needed three. I wish I had convinced him of getting more.

Once we were home it took a bit more convincing for the stain (Minwax Wood Finish - Special Walnut 224). I did one coat and it looks amazing. I couldn't work my magic for the poly...so I let it dry for a few days. Then I went to town putting away all my crap...er...I mean girly stuff.

The crates are perfect height for Bath & Body Works hand soaps, most tall lotions, and two stacks of toilet paper rolls. I love it. I just now have to figure out how to store my towels. I don't trust the crates to not stain my white, white towels. I found the perfect basket for them online at Pottery Barn. Haven't quite convinced Ryan that we need a $159 hamper though....

The towel storage will most likely show up in a later post of Tuesday Thriftovers, once I figure out how to copycat it or change my mind. How do you handle storage in your bathroom? Any ideas for how to store my towels?

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