Tuesday, November 11, 2014

5k Finisher

Last post found me the night before my first 5k, ever. The morning of we, met up with my parents, who were driving up to cheer us on. We arrived an hour before the race and tried to keep warm in the brisk 36°F air. Here's a shot of us before the race. 

My company was the major supporter for the race and had about 100 people running, which was about a third of the runners. Now, I mentioned that if I ran the whole thing I would most likely cry. Well, I didn't cry...but I sure as hell ran the whole freaking course. I could not be more proud of myself or Ryan. I know you can't tell from my hair, it was so freaking cold I felt like I didn't sweat, but here's us after the race.

Towards the homestretch, Ryan was itching to run faster and kept bugging me about picking up my pace. A moment later we saw my parents cheering us on and I can't even explain how happy I was in that moment.  I knew we were close to the end and I was still running. As we saw the finish line, Rye looked over and said something like, "let's finish it." We sprinted the rest of the way and finished at 39:37 and 39:38. Ahead of our goal to run under 40 minutes. 

We may not have been the fastest, we may have been beaten by a 74 year old woman, but we ran, and we finished our first 5k together. Check out our stats below, we're 254 and 255.

What have you accomplished lately? What's next on your goal list?

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