Monday, October 6, 2014

Splurging on Candy and Forgetting Books

When I turned 27, I asked for three things: a mandolin, Walmart gift cards, and Amazon gift cards.

I used the Walmart gift cards to buy myself a "grown up" closet with all wooden hangers. I also bought curtain rods that match our headboard...which sounds weird. Hopefully this picture makes more sense.

no, my bed is not usually made like this because the last one out makes the bed and that ain't me

For some reason, Ryan and I get a lot of comments from friends and family that we have a "grown up" apartment. It happened again when I said I wanted to buy wooden hangers, followed promptly by a, "but I don't even have a grown up closet!" These are my priorities...decorating my house.

That and books. Hence, the Amazon gift card requests. I go through romance books (don't judge me) like candy. On Friday night, I complained about being tired around 10pm, went to bed, and then stayed up until 2am finishing a book I had started that night. I finished another book this morning over breakfast. 

So how exactly am I forgetting books? Well, it's funny you ask. I happened upon a list of 18 things that aren't sold in America. Naturally, I had to see what I was missing out on. Number 17 on the list? Crispy M&Ms. My favorite candy, ever. 

Sadly, they stopped selling them in the US in 2005. When they brought back the blue bag of M&Ms and they were pretzel and not crispy, I may have cried. I may have cried a little. I went to Italy on a school trip in 2007 and found some. They were quickly devoured and I've been questing for them ever since. 

And then, this list, reminds me of how amazing these candies are and how I can't have them. Then I remember, I have Amazon money and maybe this Amazon money can buy me M&Ms. Well, I found them. I found these glorious candies. In a month, they'll be here. Direct from Germany. I. Cannot. Wait.

If I die in a month from sugar coma. Or someone poisoning my M&Ms. Just know, I died happy. Most likely with book in hand, mowing down crispy M&Ms. 

I hope they're as delicious as I remember. Update to come.

What's something you loved but came seem to find anymore?

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