Sunday, October 12, 2014

Every Single Inch

I can almost pinpoint the exact moment I started to be self-conscious about my weight. It was at an amusement park where a vendor would give you a prize if he guessed one of three things incorrectly. You chose what he had to guess on, birthday, age, or weight. I figured the hardest one is weight, and I was looking to win, so I chose that. The saint he was guessed something like 135. Granted I weighed less in high school, but still. I stepped on the scale and it ballooned to over 180. 

I'm convinced he did something to the scale but since then I've compared myself against these rail-thin girls envying their bodies. 

Then, at the beginning of this year, I started seriously exercising and improving my overall fitness. Compared to the beginning of my "fitness journey" (which is a ridiculous name for it) I've dropped about twenty pounds. My weight's leveled off and I haven't seen it change much in the last two months.  

I can't be mad. I eat pretty much whatever the hell I want. I'm burning the calories riding my bike, running, or playing racquetball four to five times a week. I'd even go as far as to attribute some of the weight plateau to muscle. Because I'm definitely putting it on. My legs are leaner and my face is thinner. It's not like you can see this huge bulk, it's just toned. 

As a result, I love my body just a little bit more. I'm more confident in the way I carry myself. 

Then I hear awesome songs, like Meghan Trainor's "All About That Base" which reinforce the message that perfect comes in all types of sizes. So, while I may not be a size two, I'm still rockin'. 

Every woman goes through days where they nit pick areas they hate about their body. I'm convinced it's normal. At the end of the day though, there's no reason to not love every single inch of it. It's yours. To cherish, to love, and to change if that's what you want. I know I'm strong. I know I'm healthy. I know I'm loved.

What more could you ask for?

The printable is formatted to fit a 4" x 6" piece of paper and features the following fonts: KG Flavor and FramesPinto NO_04Indy Pimp, and Autumn. I used textures from this pack: Bokeh Textures.

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