Wednesday, August 27, 2014

In Real Life

Sometimes it's hard to remember that bloggers have jobs out in the real world. Especially for blogs that focus on crafts, music, food, or fun stuff. But alas, it happens. For me it's pretty much because Ryan's a full-time student and although he brings home a good salary (for a grad student) it's not enough for me to just lounge around and be a full-time stay at home wife. A girl can dream though.

So during that day, I stare at a computer. Looking at spreadsheets. Upon spreadsheets. Upon spreadsheets. It's weird. Sometimes I'll create these huge, magnificent, elaborate spreadsheets and I'd take a step back and think, "Damn, that's sexy." Seriously, I feel like I need my head examined.

I am lucky though. I was fortunate to get my foot in the door at a major company. Even more fortunate to move to a "smaller" although still large global company right down the road. I count my blessings that I moved into a new role in June, just one year after joining the company, and get to work with our plants around the world consolidating the financials for our operations function. 

In my new role, I've been fortunate to experience more of the "what we do" and "if this then this" side versus the controllership side. Yesterday, one of my awesome coworkers took the time to teach a handful of us our process from rock to sticky stuff.

That's random if you don't know where I work. I work at a silicone and advanced material business, where our materials are in everything. Beauty products, car paint, medical tubing? We're in that. Materials in every single manned US space flight? We're in that. The sole of the boot that first graced the moon? We're in that.

we start with this (silicon metal)...

My company doesn't have many direct to consumer products but we do have one very visible one. You've probably even used it. We made caulk. The stuff that goes around pretty much everything. We make it. I've seen it being put into the tubes. THAT is a pretty cool process. Very much like a bottling line at a soda or beer company. 

...and end up with this.

The group of people I get to work with a first class and I can't wait to see how the next few years will turn out for the business. Here's hoping!

Are you ever proud of weird work-related accomplishments? What makes you proud to work where you work?

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