Saturday, August 16, 2014

Heigh Ho, Heigh Ho, Down the Ditch We Go

At the beginning of the summer, Ryan and I set a goal to hit 1,000 miles of cycling by November 1st. We're making good progress, with a little more than 730 miles under our belts, including today's ride. Which ended a little bumpy.

You can see our route here:

You see that climb right around mile 30? I think that's what just about did us in...

Our goal today was to hit 41 miles, which would be our longest ride to date. Ever. We started off really strong with our best pace yet going up the hills in miles 2-3. Most of the pauses in the beginning are due to us getting stuck at lights. Although after the initial hills, we did take a break. 

We took plenty of water and a few snacks. One of which I'll be sharing sometime soon. I can't wait to share it, because lordy is it good. After reaching Route 40, we took a break and had our snack, which may have also been the problem...

Anyway, 40 has rolling hills which are tough after huge hills right before it. And as you can see, we had been riding for nearly three hours already. In reality, we'd been on the road much longer (probably about three and a half hours because of stops and lights. 

Just after mile 36, Ryan was tired and struggling on the last of the hills on 40 until we hit the downhills that led the way home. We were coasting down a hill after going up the other side. Rye turned around to see where I was, because I normally pull up the rear, and he always, ALWAYS, goes right when he does it. Well, he turned right and jumped off the pavement onto the grass just off the road. Trying to over correct, he turned right (like you would do before swinging back left) and his right turn was down a 10' deep ditch. Well, he was about 3' down the hill before he ditched his bike and did a somersault down the rest of it.

Scary? Sure. He get hurt? A little bit. He okay? Thankfully, yes. And I thank the Big Guy, my parents live right down the road (like two miles from where we were) and just happen to have a bike rack. 

My dad graciously picked us up and brought us the five miles home. Ryan's gotten babied since he got home, with multiple concerned calls from my family, quad rubs from me, and icy hot on his shoulder and neck - which got the brunt of the somersault. 

We finished our day with pizza. Because after earning 1,800 calories, why not?

What are you doing this weekend? Is fitness on your to-do list?

In case you were wondering, here's my splits for the ride. Even though I'm really slow on hills, I'm proud of them because I freakin' did thirty-six miles today and didn't give up. 

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