Thursday, May 22, 2014

It Must've Been My Lucky Day

I should've played the lottery, because I was batting 1,000 yesterday.

I hope you read that with as much sarcasm as you have in you. Yesterday was mean and cruel. But it definitely could've been worse, so thank God it wasn't.

It started with a headache from lack of sleep, coupled with a stomach ache. Recovering with some breakfast, I made it into work on time.

Only to find that my boss's computer had shit the bed. Blue screen of death. The kicker? IT was backlogged and my boss is less than cordial, so they brushed him off all day. I smile a little because he deserved it. Hearing him say, "I'm sitting here at ZERO productivity," was hilarious. Mostly because he's at 10% productivity otherwise.

I frown because I then had to make a presentation for him. One that I had to sit down with him to complete (even though I could've done it myself) but he wanted to see how I compiled it. HE DIDN'T EVEN WATCH. And of course, this presentation was part of a larger one, so while he was on his lunch break I brought it together (recreated one chart) and made it look better than his original one.

Sitting here, I was going to type, "after a day of doing my boss's job..." but then I do that anyway, it's not new. Sigh.

After I finally get home, Ryan and I get ready for our bike ride. Instead of packing it up on the car to ride along the Corning Preserve, we decide to head up Route 4 / 32. The day was finally turning around. Great pace, flying through Waterford. We get to 6 miles and turn around. Less than a mile up the road, a bird shits on my leg. Sigh. Yep, it got better and better. 

Me, not knowing that it was bird poop, thinking it was a bug, flipped out and tried to wipe it off my leg. Now my hand has bird poop on it.

Ryan wanted to stop and put air in our tires at the gas station on our way home. I was not stopping, I had a date with a chlorox wipe. 

On our way back we had some serious headwind and I was getting tired and hungry. EIGHT BLOCKS FROM HOME, there's a traffic light to go to the local Burger King and Price Chopper. It was red. I down shifted. Checked out the cars at the light, no signal lights, great. Light turns green. I shift up and keep pedaling through the light. The first car goes, puts on signal light, turns. INTO ME. 

Thankfully, she realized that she was starting to RUN OVER A PERSON and stopped her minivan. 

I couldn't. I just couldn't. She stopped and rolled down her window to ask if I was alright. My quick reply of "Fine, thanks," was probably not enough but I was more than ready to go home and I was truly physically okay.

When I finally arrived home, Ryan told me that she had put on her signal light after she started to go and turn. At least I wasn't blind. He also mentioned he yelled, "Watch out!" Which I didn't hear.

Today, I'm glad to have that behind me. Because one, I don't have to get shit on by another bird for another twenty-six and a half years, and two I'll be sticking to bike trails now. Any run-ins I can avoid with cars is going to be wonderful. 

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