Sunday, May 11, 2014

Student Loans & Debt

Late last month, Ryan and I paid off his last unsubsidized federal loan. Yay! Unfortunately, there are five subsidized federal loans that haven't come due and then his two private loans. Then I have my six that are all being repaid.

I feel like I should do a segment on student loans and how they royally suck.

Now, I've read through some high level Dave Ramsey stuff. Those seven steps? Yea, I'm stuck at two. I feel like I'll never be out of it. But maybe it's because I'm not following it rigorously enough. Sue me if I like having some money in my savings account. Have you ever tried that? Were you ever scared shitless that you were going to be super poor?

I want to freakin' buy a house and these student loans are killing my dreams. 

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