Tuesday, December 24, 2013

The Frozen Tundra and Ice Skating

There's a reason my family and I call the North Country the Frozen Tundra. It's cold. It's icy. And it's cold. Did I mention that yet?

Today, the high in Norfolk is 7F. Yea, you read that right 7F. It's cold. Have I mentioned that yet?

I ventured outside today, finally. To take some pictures of what it looks like outside. After two days of sleeting and freezing rain and one day of snow showers. That stuff just tops off the snow that was already here. Cleaning off my car was a joy. 

There's a reason we call it the Frozen Tundra...It's not like it's untrue. Funny enough, ice skating is popular up here. When it's snowy and icy for nine months out of the year, I guess it's one thing you can do for most of the year. Okay, so there might not be nine months of ice and snow but people who live up here joke that there's two seasons, winter and construction. 

My sister-in-law wanted to take her boys skating for the first time at a local arena. Since Ryan and I have only been out once this year I thought it would be perfect to join them! 

Unfortunately the arena that had free skate wasn't renting out ice skates. Fortunately, there weren't many people (read: 10 including the six of us) there so the boys and my brother-in-law could still walk around on the ice - which they enjoyed! Here's some pictures:

this was the rink at 9:15am - free skate started at 9:00am

my nephews, Luke and Cole

the boys thought it was fun to run on the ice and make themselves fall

the hubbs is a phenomenal skater - should've been a defenseman

sibling love


the whole group - clockwise from top left: Ryan, Jessica, Tracy, Me, Cole, Luke

This was a perfect start to the Christmas festivities beginning tonight. Let the love and joy start! Happy Christmas Eve!

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