Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Husband Appreciation Week - Dresser Reveal

Ryan's dresser is finally finished and ready for him to move in his clothes from the dinky plastic drawers from his closet! It took some sweat equity but Ryan is really excited to have more space for his shirts, socks, and underwear.

Let's just say it was a labor of love taking an old, smoke-smelling, broken dresser and turning it into a really beautiful piece of furniture.

The first step was taking off the years of dirt, dust, and grime. And ridding the bottom of bird seed and mouse poop. Which is always a lovely time.

Then it was to sanding so that I could paint it this awesome color I had my sights set on. The wood was beautiful but I REALLY like this one color and the stain of the wood didn't match the stain of all the other pieces in our bedroom.


The color: Charcoal Stone from BH&G. Two coats and it was lookin' good!


Then came the tricky part. I didn't want it to look plain so I thought I would use a silver accent to make it look fancy. With a lot of measuring, marking, and taping, I had a simple line around the outside of the drawers and on top of the dresser. And yes, I did measure and mark. I'm anal. Two coats of the silver stuff and it was set.

On a side note NEVER EVER in your life buy off brand painters tape. It doesn't work as well as you want it to so save yourself a headache and spend the extra $3.00 to get the better stuff.

Then came the final coat (or two). I took my half full spray can of and went to town putting a top coat of clear coat. Unfortunately I didn't have enough to cover everything. So I did what Ryan said I shouldn't - put a coat of modge podge on it. And you know what? It looks good.

After a little more scrubbing inside, a couple of cedar blocks, new knobs, and a little rearranging, the dresser found its home. Right into a little nook in our bedroom where our chair and butterfly table.

Easy project that just took some time. Husband Appreciated!

1. Dresser - Free! (My parents said I could have it)
2. Martha Stewart  Metallic Paint (Polished Silver) - $5.48
3. Better Homes & Garden Quart of Charcoal Stone Paint - $10.47
4. Painter's Tape - $2.99 (Buy the good stuff!)
5. 6 Knobs from Home Depot - $1.87 a piece
6. Modge Podge - $9.00
7. Cedar Blocks - $3.32

Total cost for the project considering percentage of paint, paper, ribbon, etc used is probably close to $22.00! Not too shabby for a brand new piece of furniture. Well, brand new to us anyway.

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