Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A celebration

Ryan and I just got back from doing an anniversary shoot with my favorite photographer Keith Hitlin. When I first emailed him and his wife Meghan...they were a little confused. So was my husband, truth be told. Why shoot an anniversary - especially the first one? Well, to me one year was big. We've done so much in one year - we moved out, got a few hair cuts, and lost a crap ton of weight. And just because we're a family of two, doesn't mean we can't (or shouldn't) have yearly (that might take some smooth talking) family photos.

Once I got my husband on board, the photographers were on board too. Megs came up with a great theme of a "where we are" kinda deal. We did a few shots around our apartment. On a side note: I absolutely love my husband for putting up with my craziness all day. We did some in the front hallway of the house and then outside. That concluded our Lansingburgh part. We changed up our outfits and headed down to downtown Troy.

Ryan and I go to River Street every single Saturday we're around (and not up visiting his family) for the Farmers' Market. I absolutely love it. Not only do we support local bakeries, farmers, and wineries (yum!), but we spend it together, holding hands enjoying one another's company, truly, utterly happy. Shooting in a place that reminds of that makes me truly, utterly happy. And I got to be a goof - which I'm sure will come out in pictures.

Keith and Meghan shot our wedding, a little over a year ago. I love, love, love their technique and the way they captured our day. Their dynamic teamwork produced amazing photos which I will treasure for the rest of my life. If you're engaged, getting married, having a baby, or just want some damn good photos go to the link above. You will not regret it. Seriously - check them out. Even if it's to browse the photos.

Have you done family photos for two? Or if you have a bigger family - how often do you get them done? Link up a picture of your latest photo. I'd love to see whoever reads this!

So for now, I sit. I wait. Hitting F5 until a teaser shows up on their Facebook feed. Pitiful? Maybe. Worth it? TOTALLY!

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