Sunday, September 25, 2011

Welcome to It

Here we are again, another chapter - another blog. Let's see if this one sticks.

I'm notorious bad at starting things and never following through. But I'm starting anew - new name, new life, new blog. Weird? Not really.

New name? Two months and three days ago, I married my best friend, Ryan. So like most traditional women, I changed my name. No stubborn "I refuse to give up my identity" rants from me.

New life? Isn't the day you get married the first day of the rest of your life? If that isn't enough, I feel like this year has been the start of a new life. I landed my first professional job, I finished graduate school, and I'm in the process of moving out of my parents house (which is a long story - but hey! it's free rent).

So, new blog? Yes. I promise to write what's on my mind and how I feel. That should include my family, my friends, my job, my hobbies, and my life in general. I will mostly likely offend someone at some point in time, but I won't apologize. This will be the record for my life - in progress.

Welcome to it.

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